Together, we are the Democratic Party

Electing Democrats in the Shoals is a continuous grassroots effort. We depend on neighbors to volunteer their strengths and gifts to help us push forward positive and progressive ideas into our communities.

Anyone who shares our democratic values can volunteer on a Shoals Democratic Club committee.

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

— Tuscumbia native, Helen Keller

Shoals Democratic Club Committees

  • Community Outreach

    Do you enjoy getting out in the community and making a tangible difference? So do we!

  • Legislative Action

    Help us keep track of the goings-on within our government, from the Mayor’s Office to the Capitol.

  • Voter Activation & Data

    They are the boots on the ground registering voters and getting the voters to the polls. Help us strategize and organize!

  • Communication

    Build and distribute communication to keep the community informed of our activities and important information.

  • SDC Programming

    Proud party planners unite! Help us build programming for the club by organizing club gatherings, socials, and other community events.

  • Fundraising

    It takes cash to make any of this happen. Help us develop grassroots donor programs and events.

  • Candidate Recruitment and Support

    We’re always looking for good Democrats to run for office in Lauderdale or Colbert County. This committee works to find those people, support their journey, and provide assistance where appropriate.

Join the club


Get to know neighbors who expect the same things out of our leaders and want to see our community moving forward. Build a network of like-minded people throughout the Shoals who want to see our community thrive.

Find Other Organizations

There are other progressive groups doing great work in the Shoals and across the state. Get the latest updates from these groups on their activities and learn how you can plug in on multiple levels.


Hear directly from Democratic candidates running for local, state, and federal offices about their plans and positions. Gain an understanding of who wants to represent you and how you can get involved in their campaign.


Whether you get involved with a local campaign or the Party itself, we want to connect your skills with a democratic cause that makes a positive impact locally.